About American Council of Learned Societies
Formed in 1919, ACLS is a nonprofit federation of 81 scholarly organizations. As the preeminent representative of American scholarship in the humanities and interpretive social sciences, ACLS holds a core belief that knowledge is a public good.
ACLS Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation New Professorships in Buddhist Studies
Application Deadline | 23 Jan 2025 |
Value | $300,000 |
Country to study | United States |
Type | Fellowship |
Course to study | View courses |
Sponsor | American Council of Learned Societies |
Gender | Men and Women |
Aim and Benefits of ACLS Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation New Professorships in Buddhist Studies
Institutions of higher education worldwide are eligible to apply for grants up to $300,000, to be expended over four years, in support of teaching positions in Buddhist Studies.
ACLS Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation New Professorships in Buddhist Studies Courses
Requirements for ACLS Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation New Professorships in Buddhist Studies Qualification
- Accredited institutions of higher education worldwide are eligible to apply.
- The application must be written in English.
- This is a global competition. There are no requirements regarding the location of the institution or the language(s) of instruction.
- Institutions must include a multi-year plan for matching at least one-third of Foundation funding over the grant period, and the matching ratio need not be the same each year. Please see a sample schedule for sequenced funding that meets the matching requirement here.
Interview date, Process and Venue for ACLS Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation New Professorships in Buddhist Studies
- The strength of the institution’s commitment to establishing a tenure-track position in Buddhist Studies, or at institutions without a tenure-track system, the institution’s commitment to continuing the position for a substantial period of time after the expiration of grant funding.
- The significance of the new professorship for adding or enhancing Buddhist Studies in the institution’s curricular offerings.
- Coherence and cogency of presentation.
- Feasibility of the proposed budget and plan for establishing the new position.
- The institution’s record in teaching and research.
Application Deadline
January 23, 2025
How to Apply
Interested and qualified? Go to American Council of Learned Societies on ofa.acls.org to apply
Completed applications must be submitted through the ACLS Online Fellowship and Grant Administration (OFA) System no later than 9:00 PM Eastern Standard Time on January 23, 2025.
Applications must include:
- A completed application form.
- At institutions with a tenure-track system, a letter from the institution’s president, vice-chancellor, rector, provost, or dean expressing the institution’s commitment to maintain the seeded position as a permanent, tenure-track post after the expiration of funding from The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Global and consistent with the university’s policies on tenure-track positions. The letter should state why the institution wishes to develop Buddhist Studies. Letters should be no more than three single-spaced pages in Arial or Helvetica 11-point font.
At institutions without a tenure-track system, a letter from the institution’s president, vice-chancellor, rector, provost, or dean expressing the institution’s commitment to continuing the position for a substantial period after the expiration of funding from The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Global. The letter must provide a description of how this commitment fits its contractual practices. Letters should be no more than three single-spaced pages in Arial or Helvetica 11-point font. - A statement outlining the new proposed position—its responsibilities, departmental location, rank, fit with the institution’s mission and curricular plans, and the qualifications sought in potential appointees. Please describe the process of identifying the appointee. Statements should be no more than 15 double-spaced pages in Arial or Helvetica 11-point font.
- A budget detailing all expenses, using the following categories: salary, benefits, research expenses, and, if applicable, costs related to a competitive search for the proposed position. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=CGGmvl_ScZoC0Ja6aiM0Pya-tqAPp9t7NdsvTv-HVENnZHhABIIbd-mdghRigAbWV1IUpyAEBqAMByAPLBKoE4wJP0AlOoMVpQkH9gMGy4avhyymHa6tD6CPYlk7e6JVW82pGzz0wFbXTmy1JqUhaw4VjFC02Rjq-AHdxJX4cXlehGFV3bN0BYe_Wmaj_DAxk5glNJ8VdVEVqCbqu3oA_L5bSzV5uFVE_2Tr00DphsUtVGTGxMjBtIhGOflJRYxRBDeGFtsppS02Vadj62wKqC5EkAJFKdyEjHUfqFd3Wd1euBYOIS-Tgig-LhDWnMDYVuw9-wVzeJLcILXGZYswMHwnLYoAqMO0mNgU18Dnc5VeMT2Tgt_mUV0q88swzOZjteLhyyP-NEIicA93srIwIdZH881ZHqEVpEcMehst_yoqTFkcI9IUZZudRdWnh152jnCK5oNSqTtvbiddmldiRjJAiseZxt61-1I0tHsM7WuMbbf4s39P5VGAJA2WDWRxg5Qc3m9V1kQjApvSU5V3Bkj3MBG-vF2a2pXJGQjXRe-PRPXNnwATFkYr3iwSIBYe_s-FGkAYBgAe1zaTlA4gHAZAHAqgH2baxAqgH1ckbqAemvhuoB47OG6gHk9gbqAfulrECqAf-nrECqAevvrECqAeaBqgH89EbqAeW2BuoB6qbsQKoB4OtsQKoB-C9sQKoB_-esQKoB9-fsQKoB_jCsQKoB_vCsQLYBwHSCCcIABACGBoyAQA6Dp_QgICAgASQwICAgKAoSL39wTpY_LC5mYe4hwOxCQtAnBV38dlUgAoBmAsByAsBqg0CQUbIDQHYEw2IFA_QFQH4FgGAFwGyGAkSAotUGAEiAQA&ae=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw4_K0BhBsEiwAfVVZ_6zVeVBR0wkfZIsRG4_a2jUZmvxv0vIDwl-CPtYA4fzoU3JxJKX4ZRoCVXcQAvD_BwE&num=1&cid=CAQSQwDaQooL6FtexTOQmoz8HY17fVrUseqhLIslFFDOnfWYJ-IQIUs_-4IzTRLDjeUL4_HNJSEdVZk-YjCnM_NJwx6rayMYAQ&sig=AOD64_0euf8ti3WimUagwcGH_3S9ujNsbA&client=ca-pub-9922292596416665&rf=1&nb=0&adurl=https://www.wqu.edu/mscfe-apply%3Futm_source%3DGA%26utm_medium%3DDisp%26utm_campaign%3DPS%26utm_id%3D18994749319%26utm_content%3DMScFE%2BA%26utm_term%3D%26utm_campaign%3DGA_MScFE_DISP_Asia_Program%2BSelected%26utm_source%3Dadwords%26utm_medium%3Dppc%26hsa_acc%3D1450481729%26hsa_cam%3D18994749319%26hsa_grp%3D140641470661%26hsa_ad%3D636525481625%26hsa_src%3Dd%26hsa_tgt%3D%26hsa_kw%3D%26hsa_mt%3D%26hsa_net%3Dadwords%26hsa_ver%3D3%26gclid%3DCjwKCAjw4_K0BhBsEiwAfVVZ_6zVeVBR0wkfZIsRG4_a2jUZmvxv0vIDwl-CPtYA4fzoU3JxJKX4ZRoCVXcQAvD_BwE