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SBW Berlin Scholarship for International Students

by asma sidiqi
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The SBW Berlin Scholarship for International Students supports talented young people from abroad who have already shown social commitment and who use the skills they have acquired during their studies during and after their studies in social projects at a non-profit/social organization in their home countries.


Our scholarship work on social projects during their studies in Berlin. Ideally, these projects are part of the charitable work of organizations based in their home countries and/or contribute to improving living conditions there.

After successfully completing their studies, our scholarship recipients are expected to continue the projects in their home countries and to advance them through the skills they have acquired here. SBW Berlin continues to support them in an advisory capacity.

Target group for the SBW Berlin scholarship for international students

  • Foreign nationals whose countries of origin appear to be in particular need of support in their development (see guidelines).
  • Holders of a student visa or residence permit for the purpose of taking up or pursuing studies.

Requirements for the SBW Berlin scholarship for international students

  • Between the ages of 18 and 30
  • Professional or volunteer experience in the non-profit/social sector (supported by letters of recommendation from the social institution or non-profit organization).
  • Have demonstrably not resided in Germany for more than 18 months prior to application
  • University entrance qualification*
  • Intention to work for at least 18 months in the country of origin after graduation or to engage in charitable activities in Germany until the repayment plan is fulfilled
  • Proven relatively low net income (see guidelines).
  • Average grade equivalent to a German grade point average of at least 2.0
  • No first-degree family members permanently residing in Germany
  • Application before the start of studies or fully enrolled in the first, second or maximum third semester at a state-recognized university (in Germany or abroad) or application for a master’s degree shortly before or after obtaining a bachelor’s degree

Application link: https://sbw.berlin/en/portfolio-items/sbw-berlin-scholarship

Level: Bachelor and master

Gender: Male/ Female

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